Kudos to UofM for not renewing their licensing agreement with Russell because the company had such a poor workers' rights record.

One polite fuck you to the university, and President Coleman in particular, for dragging their feet for so long! If it was right to do now, then it was right to do two years ago when the students occupied her office. Instead of creating waves by doing what was right and following the university's own workers' rights policies, Coleman had the above students arrested and charged. UM, the "leaders and the best", had a great opportunity to not only lead, but to encourage the leadership of their own students. They chose to take the road of safe non-action instead. They chose to counter their students - who today were shown to be correct - and instead bow to the temptation of the dollar. It is right and good that UM finally acted today. I doubt they would have done so without the scrutiny and pressure created by these committed students.
UM is the world's most sold university apparel. It's a huge business. After travelling S.E. Asia, I have a stronger understanding of the damage caused by the lack of workers' rights (human rights). When US companies operate in 3rd world countries with no oversight, they profit off cut-throat policies that pinch the last red pennies from the truly destitute. I understand global economics and the tough competition morally-guided (or strictly regulated) companies face, but this is a critical minimum standard to help install human rights in many places. We need to understand that to effectively lead to a better world, we need to make decisions that are not always convenient. And we need to hold people and companies accountable. Like Russell. And Coleman. And Bush... but that's another post.
SOLE, UM student activist group, has been working on this issue since 1999. That's a loooong time. It reminds me that patience is key for those working for a better world. Change comes slowly, but it does come.
PS. this is also being labeled under "stupid ass people" is in honor of President Mary Sue Coleman.
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