Taken from the widely-cast facebook note.
1. I have a very had time being brief. Sorry.
2. I donated money to Al Franken's Senate campaign, and I think it was my 25 bucks that put him over the top.
3. Most days, I'm the only non-Korean person I see.
4. I was once bitten by an enormous monkey in the mountains of Thailand that looked like this.
5. My world has infinitely changed since I became a parent for all the normal reasons, but mostly because I see the world through different eyes.
6. I've eaten dog, live eel, live octopus, and silkworm. By far, dog is the best.
7. I published a book, that no one's read, called "A Cosmology of Becoming"
8. I lived in South Carolina for about 18 months. I hated it beyond description.
9. Once, while alone and taking an extremely empty, overnight train through Serbia, I was awoken by two armed guards asking for border fees / passport fines / transport fees. Fortunately I was prepared: I had stuffed the cash into my socks, so I took out my cashless wallet and showed them my one credit card and offered to pay with it. They weren't happy and quickly left.
10. I still have the dream of buying a large boat and sailing from country to country for about a year. Companions?
11. My wife and I married without her parents' consent. They have slowly warmed to me..... very slowly.
12. When I look at my seven year old son, Soren, my heart fears that he is growing up too fast, and that he tries too hard to please me.
13. My oldest son, Soren, cried wildly when he was born. I went to him and said, "It's OK Soren, daddy's here." He turned to me and stopped crying. Probably the best moment in my life.
14. Worst moment: I carried my preemie baby into the ER because he was having great difficulty breathing. He was staring into my eyes as he stopped breathing, his eyes rolled back, and he went unconscious. In the following hours he was attended to by about 20 different doctors, specialists, and the helicopter flight team. It took them three attempts with lots of squirting blood to successfully force a tube into his lungs to get him to breathe again.
15. Now Sage is the most active and determined baby I know.
16. Sometimes, like today, I miss my best friend terribly.
17. When I was born, my best friend was three months old and lived in the other 1/2 of my duplex. We've been best friends ever since.
18. When I moved to Korea, the only possession that pained me to part with was my massive record collection and my wonderful Pioneer PL-570 turntable.
19. I got over it by buying an iPod Touch. Best toy ever.
20. I was once severely beaten by 20+ gang members. That sucked.
21. My favorite place on earth is the remote Paula Weh island, Indonesia, where I stayed for several months in 2000. My stories from here are endless: undersea volcanoes, swimming with dolphins, bricks of marijuana, being offered prostitutes by the secessionist military general (declined, but was afraid to do so), sea full of glowing plankton rivalling a star-choked night sky, daily swims with a green sea turtle family that lived in a coral mound just off the beach -- actually, they swam with me. This was the first land area hit by the massive 2004 tidal wave. I've often wondered what happened to that turtle family.
22. Sometimes I regret not being a better friend.
23. I believe our founding fathers would expect George W. Bush to be behind bars.22. I'm still angry at the church for all the ignorance, and at times hate, it has spread.
24. I think the world will be a better place when women are in charge.
25. Being in nature makes me believe that a one-buddha-spirit god might exist.
1. I have a very had time being brief. Sorry.
2. I donated money to Al Franken's Senate campaign, and I think it was my 25 bucks that put him over the top.
3. Most days, I'm the only non-Korean person I see.
4. I was once bitten by an enormous monkey in the mountains of Thailand that looked like this.
5. My world has infinitely changed since I became a parent for all the normal reasons, but mostly because I see the world through different eyes.
6. I've eaten dog, live eel, live octopus, and silkworm. By far, dog is the best.
7. I published a book, that no one's read, called "A Cosmology of Becoming"
8. I lived in South Carolina for about 18 months. I hated it beyond description.
9. Once, while alone and taking an extremely empty, overnight train through Serbia, I was awoken by two armed guards asking for border fees / passport fines / transport fees. Fortunately I was prepared: I had stuffed the cash into my socks, so I took out my cashless wallet and showed them my one credit card and offered to pay with it. They weren't happy and quickly left.
10. I still have the dream of buying a large boat and sailing from country to country for about a year. Companions?
11. My wife and I married without her parents' consent. They have slowly warmed to me..... very slowly.
12. When I look at my seven year old son, Soren, my heart fears that he is growing up too fast, and that he tries too hard to please me.
13. My oldest son, Soren, cried wildly when he was born. I went to him and said, "It's OK Soren, daddy's here." He turned to me and stopped crying. Probably the best moment in my life.
14. Worst moment: I carried my preemie baby into the ER because he was having great difficulty breathing. He was staring into my eyes as he stopped breathing, his eyes rolled back, and he went unconscious. In the following hours he was attended to by about 20 different doctors, specialists, and the helicopter flight team. It took them three attempts with lots of squirting blood to successfully force a tube into his lungs to get him to breathe again.
15. Now Sage is the most active and determined baby I know.
16. Sometimes, like today, I miss my best friend terribly.
17. When I was born, my best friend was three months old and lived in the other 1/2 of my duplex. We've been best friends ever since.
18. When I moved to Korea, the only possession that pained me to part with was my massive record collection and my wonderful Pioneer PL-570 turntable.
19. I got over it by buying an iPod Touch. Best toy ever.
20. I was once severely beaten by 20+ gang members. That sucked.
21. My favorite place on earth is the remote Paula Weh island, Indonesia, where I stayed for several months in 2000. My stories from here are endless: undersea volcanoes, swimming with dolphins, bricks of marijuana, being offered prostitutes by the secessionist military general (declined, but was afraid to do so), sea full of glowing plankton rivalling a star-choked night sky, daily swims with a green sea turtle family that lived in a coral mound just off the beach -- actually, they swam with me. This was the first land area hit by the massive 2004 tidal wave. I've often wondered what happened to that turtle family.
22. Sometimes I regret not being a better friend.
23. I believe our founding fathers would expect George W. Bush to be behind bars.22. I'm still angry at the church for all the ignorance, and at times hate, it has spread.
24. I think the world will be a better place when women are in charge.
25. Being in nature makes me believe that a one-buddha-spirit god might exist.
Maybe the turtles made it out alive. I remember a 60 Minutes segment about this group of indigenous boat people - ocean nomads with no word for hello or goodbye - who, along with all the wildlife, moved upland way before anyone even knew there was a wave on the way.
I'm fascinated by indigneous languages and how they shape/reflect their perception of the world. Imagine, not needing the concept of hello or goodbye -- there is no separation... unless it is punishment through excommunication. And if so, it is the absolute worst kind of punishment.
Some how I got this computer running again, and yet somehow, I don't trust that I really have. I'm just waiting for it crash again. The tension is unbearble.
Kinda of like the tension that exists because Bush is a free man.
Now I'm at the Mac store to see if they have any suggestions on this situation. I'm not all that hopeful, but I think it's free, so whatever.
I'm at the mall. I'm an American.
Mall. I forgot about those.
What's so odd is that I don't even have a car. I use public transport, taxis, shop locally (which more Koreans do anyway) and just choose to travel differently.
I went through my computer hassles a month ago, so I know your frustration.
let me know how that turns out.
Oh, it turned out poorly. Poorly in the sense that's not worth fixing, but I'm really not prepared to get a new one.
I've got some thinking to do.
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