My son turned eight on Valentine's Day. I gave him an iPod nano. Yes,this is my old nano which I no longer needed because I bought an iPod Touch (best purchase ever), but still... he got his first iPod. He was very, very happy.
For my bithday on the 15th, we took a little trip to the city's lone Mexican restaurant. Soren and I listened to music for the entire taxi ride (both listened to Modest Mouse, Good News...). No talking, but in complete harmony. Very nice.
We got out of the taxi and I mentioned how amazing it was to have so much music in such a small package - how it's funny to think back that we thought a walkman was advanced. Soren asked, "Dad, what's a walkman?"

Damn. Time flies. Technology even faster.
Yeah, time flies too fast and so much of this technology will be outdated next year, or perhaps before you even have mastered it. Used to be stuff would be good for 4-5 years so once you learned it you could spend time producing some great stuff. It is supposed to save us time but I doubt it. It just makes life more convenient but also more demanding and at a faster pace.
Walkman! Ha! I remember when transitor radios were amazing and we would walk around with them up to our ear, ignoring all the static.
convenient but also more demanding and at a faster pace."
I was watching a Discovery show thisw morning about a westerner who lived with an Amazonian tribe. The tribe elder said they were happier before being introduced to the outside world - but now that they've been introduced, they can't go back.
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