I love this song. Any song that successfully utilizes "Paul Krugman" and "Timothy Geithner" has by default earned my respect. But the lyrics are so true. I keep reading Krugman, keep getting frustrated, keep wondering why his ideas aren't being adopted. So yeah, this song is right on. And it's kind of funny.
I saw this video a couple days ago. The odd thing is that tonight as I was walking to the supermarket, I started humming this little ditty, trying to remember the words, wondering what song was cycling through my head.
Damn! It's the Paul Krugman song from that strangely captivating nerd who's making a song a day for year. Came home from the supermarket, pulled up the YouTube video and gave it several listens. I love this song. I paid $0.99 for it and put it on my iPod Touch.
Yeah, and the way he dances at the end even makes me like myself a little more.
So this dude is making a "nerdy song a day" for a year over at rockcookiebottom.com. That's pretty nutty/awesome. You have to be pretty creative and carefree to make a song a day. And probably jobless. Another favorite of mine, Battlestar Galactica. And I'm linking to Saving Newspapers: The Musical (DEMO) in honor of my hometown Ann Arbor News which CNN tells me will publish it's last paper this July.
Soren has been learning guitar and writing many semi-songs, sans lyrics. I showed him rockcookiebottom.com and he found it fascinating. We've decided to make wathching his daily song part of his homeschool project. As Soren is sort-of writing his first songs, I think seeing a new/different song each day will help him learn a little about song structure, but probably even more importantly, better understand creative courage and the willingness to just try. Ah, educational freedom.
UPDATE EXTRAORDINAIRE: This fella says he's open to song topic requests, so Soren and I emailed him and gave him a little background about Soren learning the guitar, making his website part of his homeschooling, and our journey from Michigan to Korea. He sent a nice, sincere reply.
"...maybe I can post the chords and he can learn it. I'll try to write it from his perspective, maybe that way it can be HIS song. I'm seriously honored to be part of your daily homeschool program. That's pretty much the best thing that I could ever possibly imagine."
He's gonna make a song from Soren's perspective.... curious what that'll turn out to be. Pretty cool. Nice guy.
Yeah, the Paul-Krugman-song-guy is gonna make a Soren his own song. That rocks.
I'm very familiar with the B&S song and I have to say, I don't really hear it. I mean, I suppose I can see where someone might think the vocal approach is similar, but tonally/rhythmically, these songs are quite different.
He's got a point though. Krugman seems to have been sidelined for some stupid reason.
I don't get the economy. It drives me crazy. Being in Korea, I see clearly how it is affecting the world - it isn't only an American (or European) crises.
I do know that I trust Krugman... though not sure why. Like the song says, when he talks, I feel like I understand him. I trust that.
He's making a song for Soren? Now that is cool! Can't wait to hear it!
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